Long back, Google had acquired Motorola. It was stated that this acquisition was mainly regarding the patents. The relationship between Motorola and Google dint move ahead much after LG started making this year’s Nexus phone – LG Nexus 4. But it looks like Google’s relationship with Motorola had been planned for the long run. Google aims to take on Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy devices with the new ‘X Phone’ and ‘X Tablet’ that is reportedly being manufactured by Motorola.
According to The Wall Street Journal, a very dependable source has claimed that the Motorola employees are working hard on a ‘X Phone’ that is being given the flesh and skeleton by Google. Other than a few extra-ordinary rumors like a bendable display and ceramic back, we do not know much about the ‘X Phone’. Motorola’s Droid series is known for its durability and Google is trying to bring an unbeatable phone(literally and contextually) to the market. Google is clearly going out all guns blazing with its ‘X Phone’ as it expects the best of everything for the camera, hardware, build quality and every piece of the phone. The phone is undoubtedly expected to run the latest of Android version at that time.
Another piece of information is that Google and Motorola are not only producing a ‘X Phone’, but are also going for the tablet market with the ‘X Tablet’ . This move comes from Google in order to take direct control of the premium smartphone market through its Motorola.
Though there is no clear indication of when these products will be announced or launched, but we are hoping that we can get our hands on those devices by 2013.